The ham is a small one, so the slices are no more than 4 or 5 inches across, thin as construction paper and so flavorful that just opening the package gets my juices going. Two thin slices was plenty to flavor beautifully four large eggs.
As always with eggs, care in cooking pays off. I minced the ham and set it to warm in a small frying pan before thoroughly scrambling the eggs with a fork until the white and the yolk were one. Reduced the heat and eased those babies into the pan with the ham - they sizzled a little, but didn't sputter. Patient stirring while they made soft curds around the ham. Rescued from rubberization by removing while they were still moist and tender. Turned out onto warmed plates sidled up to a toasted English muffin.
If every day for every one on Earth started with hamneggs this delicious, we would have World Peace.
Ham for world peace? I'm all for that but don't let the Muslims know - we don't want them to declare a Fatwa on you! Maybe it can be ham, cheese, poultry or tofu for peace. It's lacks the Zoomie Zing but maybe safer? Me - I'm all for the Zoomie plan. Ham and eggs ahoy! Better than green eggs and spam!
What's wrong with green eggs and Spam?
Nancy, how very non-PC of me not to think of the Muslims! My apologies to my Muslim readers - use smoked turkey instead!
Cookiecrumb, nuttin'. Also good.
You know, with the addition of a few leaves of basil, parsley and some chives you could have Green Eggs & Ham :)
Cookie - there is nothing wrong with green eggs and ham (or smoked turkey for that matter) but it's not Zoomie's ham-a-lollapalloza fantasico!
Spam is not ham (with apologies to those who like Spam).
Ms Mouse, yes, I would. Don't you just love Dr. Seuss? My Dad loved rhyming books (he gave me "Madeline" and Dr. Seuss books when I was a child) and he'd read any Dr. Seuss over and over without complaint, even after we learned to read.
Nancy, no Spam isn't ham, but it's mighty good when the mood strikes! I think it's impossible to have lived in Hawaii and not love Spam.
I have read about Spam sushi and I even tried it once at a Hawaiian restaurant that was briefly open in our neighborhood. It was tasty but then, what's not to like about Spam and rice. Actually, I have very fond memories of Sunday breakfasts with Spam. My grandmother used to make a sort of Spam hash with green onions, regular onions, bell peppers and potatoes. We'd have that with scrambled eggs and biscuits for a lunch after Church. Oh, and because she was from Louisiana, we also had Tabasco and Pick-A-Pepper Vinegar Sauce on the table.
But not gourmet like your ham, just homey tasty goodness.
Nancy, your grandmother's hash really sounds comforting and good to me. Might have to try that with the can of Spam I currently have in the cupboard. :-) I don't have any Tabasco but I have sriracha sauce - will that do?
Sriracha - whatever rocks your boat! It's just adding a bit of heat to the hash.
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