Italian Cheese Hound
We're kinda like that, too - we all love her. She's a great watch dog, she's a gentle soul with those she knows and loves, and she is very well behaved.
We often leave the front door open so she comes right in to get a pat and a rub under her collar, which makes her almost swoon with pleasure. When she comes looking for a treat of mozzarella sticks, who could resist those big brown eyes and velvety ears? Not us. We are suckers for our buddy, the Italian Cheese Hound.
I must be hard-hearted because I think I could say no. Then again I see a slight resemblance to Dumb. (I'll be spending quality time with Dumb and Dumber this weekend.) And Dumb is always begging. As in lying at my feet while I eat in hopes that I will drop something.
A pet visitor! The best kind.
Yeah, yah know. I'm not a pet owner anymore, other than my 2 gold fish with whom help me cooks. But I think I'd love to have such a buddy that showed up when the back door was open, cat too! Oh wait, I do have one. But I cannot pet it. It's a bird. It likes to come in the back door, come through the kitchen in to the dining area. This is where the boys have crumbs under their chairs. She does like the crumbs.
One day I was relaxing on the sofa, letting the day go with my arms folded behind me head. After about 10 minutes the curtains & muh hands caught a violent fluttering. Said bird had been lounging behind the sofa! Oddly enough I just walked over, picked her up and carried her out back. Happy little creature.
Dagny, I have to admit I'm not in love with begging dogs. Our buddy doesn't drool on our feet or anything, just looks hopeful and cute. ;-)
Cookie, yes, she is nothing but joy, unlike many human visitors!
Rev, loved your birdie story - what kind of birdie? Sounds tame, like somebody's former pet?
It's a towhee. Apparently they spend a lot of time on the ground finding goodies. Neat!
Pretty little things, too, in a quiet way.
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