Seven Boy Curry
My Dad used to call this Seven Boy Curry - apparently in India when he visited, there actually was a little boy to serve each of the condiments. We are much less formal at our house - we just use a lazy susan to pass the goodies!
To top a recent curry feast, we added (clockwise from the top) fresh bacon, hardboiled egg, peanuts, scallion, raisins and red onion, with Major Grey style chutney in the center. There is something wonderful about having all the colors, textures and flavors mixed together in a single savory, salty, sweet, crunchy, velvety bite, like the instruments in a band all playing the same tune but each in its own way.
all those wee bowls of things are called "small small tings" at our house, I can't remember why.
I haven't made a curry in some time. Perhaps in the next week...
DMM, cute name - I wonder why!
Dagny, I can recommend it - we had it two nights running and it's actually better the second night!
I suspect, Zoomie, it's from a book, most stuff is :) It's also the reason we call our (rather large & round) siamese cat Small, because she was such a small, small ting when she first arrived.
DMM, I got curious and Googled "small small ting" and you'd be amazed at the number of hits that generated! Give it a try - you'll smile!
That's the way I do my favorite curry recipe. and also my understanding of the source of the name.
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