And, I'd have made an important life mistake!
Prepared by rolling the sweetbreads in a little seasoned flour and sauteeing them to delightful crispiness outside and tender, mild moistness inside, these sweetbreads were a far cry from the ones that turned me off to this menu choice early in my life. Served over fresh spinach with tiny onions and a bacon reduction with chunks of the bacon left in, this was a memorable and delicious dish. I may have even experienced entree envy despite the excellence of my own dinner. As the youth of today are wont to exclaim when they really, really like something, "Sweeeeeeeet!"
I don't know why I didn't comment on this one before. Technical difficulty I believe.
When I think of sweetbreads, I always think of my mother. She likes organs and stuff. She spent years trying to convince me that escargot are great. Now I must admit they are thanks to the folks at the Hotel Mac. (They serve them in mushroom caps. Swimming in garlicky butter goodness.) So now I am inclined to believe that she may be right about sweetbreads as well. But I still think she's wrong about chitlins since I've smelled and tasted those.
Dagny, I find there are sweetbreads and then there are sweeeeetbreads! Look for the ones prepared like MB's were - they were great! - but I've had some that more closely resembled the chitlins! Eeek!
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