Laborer's Lunch
A quick search in the fridge showed that we were woefully low on fresh provisions but, luckily, we had stockpiled some cans of albacore tuna so I figured we were all set.
We had a little red onion to mince into the mix but, oops! no celery - what's tuna salad without celery? So, I reached for the only other green thing in the fridge, a head of broccoli. Years ago, back in Western New York, my pal Darcey taught me that chopped raw broccoli tastes great in tuna salad. So, I chopped it up and mixed all together and laid the mixture gently on wheatberry toast under a blanket of Spring Hill white cheddar. Under the broiler and you have a feast fit for a king, or a least a ravenous, bushwhacking lumberjack and his lumberjill. Happy Labor Day Weekend!
The things I learn here. I love raw broccoli but would have never thought to use it in tuna salad.
Dagny: It is one of joys of livign with an inventive chef!
Whar'd you git yer tuna?
Dagny, I never would have thought of it either - Darcey was the innovator!
Buzzb, you sweet thing!
Rev, out of a can marked "alacore tuna in water." Nothin' fancy. Do you have a better source for me to try?
Looks delicious.
ACk !!!!!
Uh, okay. Hunker down and listen close. I'm not going to drop names, but J. Child lead me this way. If you ain't hip, that's fine, but wanted to at least give you the action, eh?
First off, tuna packed in water turns to crap within seconds. Any meat packed in water turns to crap within moments. Stay way from meat packed in water. Meat/Water=Bad.
No, head upstream to Trader Joe's in El Cerrito and get yourself some Albacore packed in Extra Virgin. It's HELL cheap and the best you've ever had for any reason. Meat packed in extra virgin will have far better preserved texture & flavor. Water ruins it all, every time.
xo, Biggles
Hey, Biggles, thanks for the tip - I will give it a try on my next outing to Trader Joe's! Did you meet my idol, Ms. Child, or did you read it in one of her books? She's my hero!
Question for Biggles -- Is the oil taste lighter than the stuff you find in other stores that has been packed in oil? Because the last time I tasted stuff in oil, I wanted to gag. The oil was just too overpowering for my poor little palate.
Oh, and while I loved watching Ms. Child while growing up, it was my discovery of Mr. Beard's cookbooks while I was in college that made me want to cook more. Well, actually it was a cookbook owned by one of my roommates sophomore year. She never looked at it but I studied it in depth.
Hey Dagny,
I think both you and I suffer from the same strain of food profiles. So, it may not really have anything to do with the actual product. That being said, if you do enjoy the canned tuna, buy 1 can and try it. I say, everything is worth a try at least once. Plus they have totally bitchen prices on broffs and california rice action.
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