Italian Lunch, Part Two
While we waited for our orders to be prepared, the waiter brought us a nice appetizer of fresh Italian bread with a dip of tomato sauce, grated Parmesan cheese and, I suspect, garlic. We dipped and chatted for a bit longer than one might expect for a lunch but when the meal came, it was clear that while we were chatting, they were making everything fresh in the kitchen, so we forgave them as we dug into our full plates.
As you can see, the bun around his mild Italian sausage-and-veal burger was house made and delicious. The burger was mild but an interesting twist on the usual beef burger.
I have a pet peeve - it's limp Caesar salad. Because the main ingredient is sturdy romaine lettuce, you have to really treat the greens badly to make floppy Caesar salad. But, I can't tell you the number of soggy Caesars it has been my displeasure to be served in my life. Ugh. Luckily, at Delle Stelle they know that you must crisp the greens in the fridge after washing and that you shouldn't dress the Caesar before he's ready to go out. This salad was fresh and bright and nicely garlicky.
You might ask how I know this when the salad was served with MB's lunch... okay, I admit that I might have snitched a bite or two from my side of his plate!
Next time your knight in shining armor rescues you from drudgery, consider suggesting the Caffe del Stelle.
MmMmMmMm, burger.
What's for lunch today?
rev: Welcome! Sadly, nothing to write a post about - fish sandwich - and not a very good one. But, I'm blogging about bacon in a day or two and I'll need your input to the burning question it will present. Stay tuned.
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