Friday, May 9, 2008

Leafless Salad

I can really tell that spring has sprung now because I am enjoying salads again. I generally go into salad hibernation 'round about November and don't emerge until March or April. The leafy ones are still slightly suspect, to me, but this crunchy, munchy one was the order of the day, even though I had to chew only on the left side as I had a root canal yesterday on the right.

My Beloved was away on business so I was taking a cooking vacay. Broccoli and cauliflower chunks, whole cherry tomatoes, cubes of avocado, celery and a sprinkling of pickle relish all seemed appealing when I opened the fridge so I added them to a small can of tuna and dressed the whole thing with a little mayonnaise (no, not homemade - too fussy when it's just me) thinned with lemon juice and enlivened with a shaking of dill weed.

The exciting news of the day is that I'm pretty sure my lettuce has sprouted! The heads should be ready about the same time as my appetite for leafy salads kicks in!

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