The Enemy
The ivy was merely stubborn, the dead stumps fell under the saw's attack, and the saplings gave way to our giant loppers wielded by MB in a glorious show of manliness, but the blackberries were a worthy opponent.
I cleared the last of these nasties out today and emerged victorious but bathed in sweat, huffing and puffing from having dragged my victims up the hill to the lawn waste recycling bin, and criss-crossed with bloody scratches from the thorns. I may have conquered, but they didn't yield easily.
Bruce Willis would be proud of us both, me the victor and they, the valiant vanquished. Of course, they'll be back for the sequel next year.
They'll be back probably along with the ivy. It took me years to get rid of the ivy at my mom's house. It had this funny way of hiding out in the neighbor's yard just so it could make a reappearance.
Pay no attention to Dagny. Gaw, what a naysayer. :D
Zoomie, this is terrific. I know how badly your plot had been neglected, and to reclaim it isn't easy. BUT! Now you have gardenable space, of the kind that you will *want* to tend. And that's fun.
Dagny, sadly, you're no doubt right, but we are ready for them, armed to the teeth with loppers and shears!
Cookiecrumb, sadly, it's 'way too steep for actual gardening but I still get a feeling of satisfaction from falling down the hill to pick my peaches without getting hung up on pricker bushes!
Oh, I forgot it was a slope. That makes the clearing of it all that much more of a hassle. Good, good MB!!
(Hmm. Terracing?)
Your peaches were so yummy and... real! Thank you.
Cookiecrumb, yes, the approximately 45 degree angle just made the whole thing a misery! However, it's behind me and I'm happy about that! Yes, the peaches have been wunderbar - sadly, we are on the very last few!
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