Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Spring Hope

This year, I was determined not to try growing any vegetables. I rarely get any produce and it has been frustrating to try to nurture veggies in my little strip of garden, only to have them fail to produce or produce just a few. I was so over vegetable gardening!

I had opted for flowers this year and, in a fun morning with Cousin Jan, had selected beautiful flowers for pots on the deck and to plant in my garden strip. To complement my irises, calla lilies and Shasta daisies, which faithfully appear each spring, I had purchased such lovelies as cosmos and dahlias and foxgloves. I potted and planted and was gratified to see the bright colors each day.

Then, last week, as I was watering a little extra due to our very dry spring, I looked down to see what might have been a stray weed in the garden. I was all set to pluck it up when I recognized what I think is a baby tomato plant growing right next to the watering pipe. Last year I did have tomatoes in that spot, but I didn't cage them and the snails had a field day. I may have harvested one or two, but the gastropods got most of the yield.

And yet, here was this tiny green volunteer, giving life another shot. I am, frankly, awed.

So, I'm going out to purchase a cage for her this year, to get her fruit up out of the snails' reach. I saw some cool, colorful cages for sale at a garden store this year, a nice change from the plain metal ones. If she has the juice to try life in my usually unproductive garden, I'm going to give her a chance. As they always say, "Hope Springs Eternal."


Blogger Diane said...

I love nature's little surprises like this. Looking forward to future reports and a harvest.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013  
Blogger Zoomie said...

Diane, don't hold your breath - I'm not! :-) But I _am_ hopeful...

Tuesday, May 21, 2013  
Blogger Greg said...

A hearty little rascal! Hopefully a bumper crop.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013  
Blogger Zoomie said...

Greg, welcome back! I hope Alaska was all you had hoped!

Tuesday, May 21, 2013  
Blogger Nancy Ewart said...

all miracles are to be applauded! Go little tomato plant go go grow.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013  
Blogger Zoomie said...

Nancy, with you cheering it on, it can't fail!

Tuesday, May 21, 2013  

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