Sunday, January 6, 2008

Sally's Stove

I apologize for the cockeyed and underlit nature of this photo of the Chambers stove on display at the CIA but I couldn't resist showing it to you. It is exactly like one my Aunt Sally had back when I was a freshman in college and spending vacations with her family while my Navy parents were stationed on the other side of the world.

Seeing this one caused a flood of nostalgia for me and an amusing memory. Notice the stainless steel broiler on the left (or in this case the bottom) of the picture. Using that broiler, Aunt Sally broiled amazing 2" thick beefsteaks that would feed a family of six from a single steak. If you turn the crank on the front of the stove, the whole top lifts up, presenting the delectably sizzling steak to the salivating diners. In those days, steak was still considered health food, I was still a Catholic and we Catholics were still observing the Friday fast where we would eat only fish on Fridays.

I'd arrive starving from college on a Friday night: Aunt Sally (who is not a Catholic and so was not constrained by the Friday fast) would operate the crank, up would come this incredibly fragrant and tempting steak, and she'd twinkle at me and say, "We do have fish sticks in the freezer, dear, if you want fish."


Blogger Buzz Baylis said...

I can hardly wit for the next installment of this story .... which did you choose? (vbg)


Wednesday, January 09, 2008  
Blogger Zoomie said...

BuzzB, you jolly joker, you!

Thursday, January 10, 2008  

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