Sarah's Quick and Easy Pizza
She opened a can of refrigerator biscuits, flattened the dough rounds together into a crust, added tomato sauce, mozzarella and cheddar cheese, chopped onions, sliced small sweet peppers and fresh mushrooms before popping it into the oven for about 15 minutes. It came out bubbly and cheesy. We all had a slice and everyone proclaimed it an excellent pizza from very simple ingredients. A great recipe to try with children of any age - even 60+!
How Wonderful!
Not just the pizza - your whole holiday in Hawaii. I love ono... I'm so jealous...sigh
Mon mari has a brother on the big island. It may be time for a visit! But it's half way around the world for us!
The trip might include a day of R&R in San Francisco and all the local food opportunities that abound.
KatieZ, yes, it was wunderbar! I miss the shorts, the warm water and the family already! The Big Island is the best, too! Don't miss it!
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