Melting Pot in Larkspur Landing
I took some photos, figuring I'd write a blog post about the restaurant after the party, but the very next morning I read this post from Foodhoe, who did a much better job with her pictures so go read hers and enjoy! She even made sense of the somewhat complicated menu of choices and sauces.
Happy Birthday J, even if you are uncooperative when friends try to take your picture. When you make me laugh as I push the shutter button, it turns out like this!
Good pic!!
(That foodhoe, she maketh me laff.)
When I ate here, I asked the server for more fruit on the dessert plate, and he brought us another dessert plate full of sweets and fruit, gratis! So whatever complaints I may have had completely melted away :D
Cookiecrumb,I agree that Foodhoe gives a good chuckle! Takes a mean picture, too.
Krizia, our server was great, too - in fact, she was one of the best parts of the meal, patient and cute-jokey and put up with us newbies very nicely.
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