Monday, October 20, 2014

School Orchard

Two mornings per week, I tutor second graders in reading at a local charter school that is just 10 minutes away from my house. I have talked about my students before (in fact, it's hard to get me to stop talking about them) but the last time I was there, there was a notable innovation - a small, curbside orchard.

My school is in a rather poor neighborhood and the children at the school are roughly 50/50 African-American and Hispanic. The school dictates that they wear uniforms, light blue polo shirts and navy blue pants, but the children and their parents find a million delightful ways to distinguish themselves. A pretty hair ribbon here, a pair of sparkly shoes there, or a special hairdo are all ways that the children show their individuality and, frankly, I'm a little jealous. I wish they made sparkle-toed sneakers that light up in adult sizes, too.

The school has a little garden inside the gate and it's clear that the administration is trying to teach the children about growing healthy food - I detect Mrs. Obama's influence here - but this orchard was new. It's growing outside the school fence next to the parking lot. The children have made signs to designate which tree is which, two nectarine and two pear varieties.

I wanted to show you the signs - are these wonderful, or what? I just love my mornings at this little school, and I applaud all their efforts to bring healthy food and happy, expressive art work to the children and their community.

I think my favorite is the Flamekist nectarine sign, but they are all fun. Which do you like best?


Anonymous Pat said...

I'm with you -- the Flamekist is amazing!

Monday, October 20, 2014  
Blogger AphotoAday said...

I like that last one too.

Monday, October 20, 2014  
Blogger Greg said...

I'm with you guys!

Tuesday, October 21, 2014  
Blogger Zoomie said...

Pat, a photo, and greg, looks like Flamekist is the big winner!

Tuesday, October 21, 2014  
Blogger Diane said...

so much joy in all of them!!

Tuesday, October 21, 2014  
Blogger Zoomie said...

Diane, I thought so, too. An accurate reflection of the positive spirit in this little school.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014  

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