Tuesday, September 9, 2014


This is the little, two-burner electric, countertop stove I've been using for the past six months. It's about to be replaced, come Thursday, by a four-burner gas stove that will be slid into the empty space to the right in this picture. After Thursday, I can say "goodbye" to this little beast.

It has not lived up to its billing. It promised to be fast and efficient, and it is neither. It takes at least ten minutes to heat a skim of water to boiling and, if you want to boil pasta in a big pot, you have time to read a chapter in a weighty book before it will come to the boil. And I actually spent the extra $10 to get the high-performance model!  I can't imagine what the cheaper one would have been like.

I thought about offering this little gem to the workers who have been helping us through our project, but I decided that would be doing them no favors.  I think it will end up being recycled.

And I expect I will be burning a few dishes before I get used to the instant, intense heat in my new stove. No more wandering away to do little chores or check Facebook while I wait for the pan to heat up - it's going to be "all hands on deck" from the get-go!

Now that the end is near, am I feeling just a little nostalgic for my trusty little hot plate? 

No. Not at all.


Blogger Diane said...

Yay! the end is near. oh, the meals you shall cook now, after six months - really, has it been that long? you two have been most patient and appreciative of your workers. Congrats!

Tuesday, September 09, 2014  
Blogger Greg said...

Woot! Let the cooking begin!

Wednesday, September 10, 2014  
Blogger Zoomie said...

Diane, yes, it _has_ been that long! The architect told us it would be, 'way back when we began, but I didn't believe him. Now I know better. :-)

Greg, indeed! Can't wait! I figure I will bake first, since that's the thing I've really been unable to do for 6 months.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014  

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