Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Still Unpacking

During the destruction and construction of our remodeling project, the more impatient of my family members would fairly frequently remark, "What's taking so long?"  Now that the project is nearly finished and we are unpacking, those same family members are now asking why the unpacking is taking so long.

Here's why. This is our living and dining rooms, filled to (almost literally) the rafters with boxes and boxes of our stuff, plus furniture items everywhere. The bedroom looks pretty much the same as this, too. Yes, you're correct, we have 'way too much stuff. Obviously, we are not people who aspire to zen-like simplicity in our lives or, if we do, we are on the wrong track toward perfecting that art.

The good news is that, so far, we haven't seen a single thing that was broken, or even scratched. Our local movers did a superior job of boxing up our stuff and storing it for the past six months.

So, we are still unpacking. Thanks for asking.


Blogger Greg said...

I love to watch remodels on HGTV and marvel at the results. The opening shot of the home owner swinging a sledge hammer followed thirty minutes later the lovely reveal. Horse hockey! There are dozens of people at work not including the camera crew. The magic of TV is a fraud.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014  
Blogger Buzz Baylis said...

Greg - TV doesn't engage in the time lapse sequences that would give one a better idea of what happened. Like the San Francisco house that Mr. & Mrs. Zuckerberg are redoing where it was mentioned by the lead contractor that he is averaging 40 workmen per day on the site. YIKES!

Wednesday, September 24, 2014  
Blogger Katie Zeller said...

Unpacking is part of the process - it needs to be done slowly and savored... LOL

Tuesday, September 30, 2014  

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