Monday, March 24, 2014

Love Is In The Air

If we didn't already know it was spring from the calendar and the weather, we'd know it from all the love floating around. Last weekend, we were guests at a beautiful wedding in a stunning setting when cousin Sherry married her long time partner, Kathy. They wrote their own vows, chose a good friend to officiate, and threw a fun party to celebrate afterwards. We are suckers for weddings, anyway, and this one was extra special.

Then, not only are Guy and Irene getting married in May (as I talked about here), but now my Fairy Goddaughter, Pamela, has a ring on her finger, too. She and her guy Matt have been an item for a couple of years now, so no one was very surprised, but we are all tickled pink. We approve of her taste in guys.

Pamela, who we call Louis (pronounced like the French), has been dear to my heart from the day she was born. I actually attended her birth, along with her father, in the operating room and was there when her mother told the nurse her name, Pamela, after me. In the list of honors in my life, that is easily Number One. 

And that kid just charmed the socks off all of us. She was an adorable baby, a sweet little girl with a determined chin to show the world she was no pushover, a graceful and athletic teen, a gorgeous young woman, a successful career woman who gives back to her community - and she just keeps getting better. 

So, when I was cleaning out my pantry in preparation for the kitchen remodel and I came across this cake mix for a diminutive, heart-shaped cake that some sweet person gave me long ago, I decided to bake it up in honor of all the happy couples we know and love. Sari and Jeff. Sherry and Kathy. Louis and Matt. Irene and Guy.

Happy Spring!


Blogger Diane said...

so much goodness in this post. thanks for sharing. I love the story of your fairy goddaughter.

Monday, March 24, 2014  
Blogger Zoomie said...

Diane, I'm glad I could convey that to you, as I feel it so strongly.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014  
Blogger Katie Zeller said...

Ah, spring.... Tis a wonderful season, isn't it? Happy for all the couples.....

Thursday, March 27, 2014  
Blogger Zoomie said...

Katie, it is, indeed.

Thursday, March 27, 2014  

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