Monday, July 29, 2013


We've been eating a lot of tortilla lunches lately, because we finally figured out that a) they are lighter than bread and b) you don't need mayo or butter to slick them up - the salsa gives moisture and flavor without quite so much fat - and c) we love the convenience of rolling up various ingredients in tortillas for lunch in a hurry.  We usually just fill the tortillas with whatever is left over from last night's dinner - flaked salmon, sliced chicken, chunks of beef - and the usual Mexican suspects, such as lettuce, tomatoes, white or green onion, salsa, hot sauce, avocado, cucumber (especially nice with the fish), mild cheese. Sometimes all of that, sometimes part - depends on what's in the house.  We had some spicy corn salad left over from our last foray to the farmer's market (they sell it at the Roli Roti truck) and that went in, last time.  It's all good.

You'd think that living in Norte California we could easily find good tortillas. After all, our neighbors to the south have brought us a wonderful cuisine to enjoy, so wouldn't you think their most basic bread would follow?  We find flour tortillas to be fine, but uninspiring, and while we like the taste of corn tortillas, they are often unappealingly rubbery. What's a Mexican food loving couple to do? Hybridize! 

My Beloved found this brand at our local market and brought them home for the "whole grain" aspect. Turns out they are made with a mixture of corn and wheat flour. They are flexible, so they don't tear as easily as some tortillas. They are tastier than most, too. We heat them briefly in a warm frying pan and fill them with goodies. The sweet, nutty corn taste predominates, but you can tell there is wheat flour in there, too. And they are made locally. Even better!

My Beloved's Boston daughter is moving back to the bay area, bringing her sweet husband and our two grandchildren. We can hardly wait to have a party with them in which we will offer all kinds of fillings and let everyone make her/his own.  Such fun now that we have found these hybrid tortillas.


Blogger Greg said...

I am going to try those tortillas.

Monday, July 29, 2013  
Blogger cookiecrumb said...

Hm! That's interesting. I might give 'em a try. Thanks for the detective work.

Monday, July 29, 2013  
Blogger Nancy Ewart said...

I must be the lucky one - down on 16th street there are 2 grocery stores that sell home made tortillas - one style is thicker than the other but they are both delicious. I like putting a bit of cheese on them, along with salsa and a slice of avocado for a quick meal.

Viva la familia!

Monday, July 29, 2013  
Blogger Diane said...

love all things stuffed in tortillas! oh, so much fun coming with two grandkids nearby. looking forward to your photos and tales of theme.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013  
Blogger Zoomie said...

Greg, hope you like 'em as much as we do.

Cookiecrumb, really can't take credit - it was all MB.

Nancy, we like the cheese/avo combo, too, but we usually warm the tortillas with the cheese on top to melt it a little, then add the avo. Killer.

Diane, yes, we are getting 'way excited about having them close by!! Six and almost three are fun ages!

Tuesday, July 30, 2013  
Blogger Katie Zeller said...

The only tortillas we can get are Old El Paso.... But I found some really good 'wraps' the other day... Le Wrap LOL
Exciting news.... How fun!

Tuesday, July 30, 2013  
Blogger Zoomie said...

Katiez, yes, our lives will no doubt change quite a bit with two little guys in the area. All good!

Tuesday, July 30, 2013  

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