Monday, July 22, 2013

Lazy Bones

If you have been reading this blog for more than a week or two, you have no doubt figured out that I am a lazy cook. I like to eat well, and I love feeding My Beloved well, but I don't like to spend hours in the kitchen. I'd much rather be reading a book, walking the dog, or swimming. I do enjoy cooking once I get to the kitchen, and sometimes I'm downright inspired, but mostly I'm just happy to cook fresh food simply and quickly.

Last night's dinner, however, was a new high (or would you call it a low?) in my quest for easy meals. I figured out that if you stuff a whole Cornish hen with your favorite garlic croutons*, drizzle said fowl with olive oil and balsamic vinegar, and throw it into a 350 degree F oven for close to an hour, it comes out quite delicious. The croutons inside the bird soften to form garlic-infused stuffing. The ones that hang out a little stay crisp and give extra texture. You can even sprinkle the crumbs from the bottom of the package over the skin for an artsy effect.

I'm not sure I'd serve this at a dinner party since I'd have to admit when the guests ask for the recipe just how ridiculously simple it was, but the flavors merit inclusion in a festive event and Cornish hens always seem a little special compared to full-size chickens.

If you have lazy bones, like I do, feel free to borrow this idea. People will think you worked hard.

*I used Semifreddi's garlic croutons - they add sesame, poppy, and fennel seeds for extra flavor, but any crouton made with good bread would work. Eschew the ones made from industrial bread.


Blogger Greg said...

This is not a lazy meal! Expired milk poured over cereal is lazy. :)

Monday, July 22, 2013  
Blogger Nancy Ewart said...

That's inspired simplicity! If you want to try another kind of taste, stuff the bird with dried fruit and serve with a rice pilaf. The fruit mixes with the bird's juices to make the most delicious sauce and you can use the pilaf to sop it up.

Then, add sorbet for desert and you have a classic Persian/Ottoman Turkish meal. You can be the houri.

Monday, July 22, 2013  
Blogger cookiecrumb said...

That doesn't sound lazy to me. And I would never have tried stuffing a bird with dry bread cubes, not knowing — as you know now — that the bread would hydrate in there! What a discovery.

Monday, July 22, 2013  
Blogger Diane said...

sounds inspired to me, not lazy.

Monday, July 22, 2013  
Blogger Zoomie said...

Greg, you make me laugh. Good one!

Nancy, I like your description better than mine. Inspired simplicity. Yes.

Cookiecrumb, I knew about that because of stuffing turkeys all these years - the dry stuffing turns moist like magic.

Diane, thanks. I'll call it "inspired" from now on.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013  

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