Pretty In Pinks
I don't know if she eats radishes but I know she'll like the colors. She is three and her favorite colors are "pink and purple and pink." I must admit that she has had some outrageous coaching on this preference for all things pink from her mother and her Aunt Kristen, who love having a girly girl to dress up. If the question is "Nature vs. Nurture," in this case, it's definitely nurture.
I plan to serve the radishes sliced with a little unsalted butter and some fleur de sel on the side, a simple appetizer that most people really enjoy.
Happy Easter, Everyone!
I have never eaten a radish that way. I bet that would be good with Friday night Martinis.
Maybe if you give the granddaughter the option of some bread, to soften the sting. It's nice with radishes, just as you are preparing yours.
Radish martini? Eek!
One of my favorite foods! A bid spicy for the little ones. Worth a try. The colors are stunning!!!
My niece LOVES pink, purple and pink. Also rainbows. All nuture I suspect, her mum believes she was denied pink as a child, but it was really just that she got all my handmedowns and I didn't like pink or purple (not till my 30's anyway).
No radishes in the shop our way, perhaps in the Spring.
Greg, try 'em with your martinis and let us know!
Cookiecrumb, okay, I'll try that. She likes most foods perhaps because they've been introduced gently.
Jan, welcome. Aren't those colors amazing? BTW, my sister lives in GSO - lovely city! - and I enjoyed a peek at your website.
Morgan, I was the little sister, too, so I have some sympathy with not liking the handmedowns. :-)
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