Sharp Knives
When my knives are sharp, cooking is a breeze; when I have to fight to slice a ripe tomato, it's like sledding with no snow.
Yesterday, I sharpened all my knives and today the kitchen work is a joy.
I know, I know, you're supposed to use a steel or a stone if you are a serious cook, so I guess I'm not. I'm sure my twin idols, Julia Child and Jacques Pepin, would scorn my electric knife sharpener. But, today I'm a happy cook and life is good.
I will look forward to reading more of your views of the kitchen.
Buzz: thanks for the good wishes! Hope you like what follows!
Not sure about Julia and Jacques, but my reason for the steel rod is that I am clumsy with electric appliances.
Oh dear, oh dear. Sell it now. Unless your knives are disposable, then it's no problem.
Those electric rigs take too much steel off yer rig. No really.
Here's the scoop. Those steels ain't for putting an edge on your knife. They realign the metal's molecules so your knife is sharper, for the moment. Soon, the metal will wear down and you will have to have someone use a nice stone to put that edge back. Use a steel every time you use the knife.
If you don't use a steel, your knives won't last as long, they help! No really.
When your knives need a new edge, take them to Eric up at the Berkeley Farmer's Market. He's at the very tip top on the right. Get there at 10 or before so you can get it done somewhat quickly.
I have spoken, Biggles
Biggles: Thanks for the tip about the knife sharpener at the market but what do you do in between when the blankety-blank knife won't slice a tomato, much less a steak? :-)
Yeah, here's the scoop.
Have Eric put an edge on yer knife.
Then, whenever you sit down to your action, use the steel to hone the edge. It'll come right up.
Depending on how often you use your knives, you will be visiting Eric about twice a year. I sharpen my blades about every 3 months.
See, when you use your hands and a stone to put an edge on your knife, you're only taking off the smallest amount of steel to make it right. Your electric rig doesn't hone any edge, it removes steel to make a new sharp one.
Again, if your knives are cheap dimestore rigs, it don't matter. My grandmother had about 8 that looked like boomerangs after a few years. It's how most do it. There is a better way.
You need to jack in to Shuna's knive skills classes over at Eggbeater and then take one of Eric's classes. I'll keep you posted, I think.
Biggles: I can tell you're a guy who really prizes his knives! I'm not sure I'm that dedicated; I hope that doesn't end our budding friendship!:-)
Oh, not at all. Jess giving you a heads up. This way you can make an informed decision as to which way to go. I have a wall of knives and a gaggle of steels to play with.
I'm hungry.
I get the impression that you are frequently hungry; is that right? Thanks for the reassurance! ;-)
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